Bank for the minimalists
No admin fees. No fancy ui. No silent charges
Everything transparant just like drinkable water.
register anytime, stop anytime.
our products
digital bank for you who prioritize effectiveness, easyness, and compactness.
conventional bank for you who already used to it and want big bank interest rates.
syariah bank for moslem to obey their rules and receive good deeds.
Why choose us?
We provide the best and the latest technology for you. All of your needs is in your phone. MiniBank mobile app is there for you to do everything. MiniBank also very secure. You don't need to worry anymore about your bank account security. Our security already proven by Menkominfo.
You already know it from the beginning, this is for the minimalist. No fancy UI. Everything is straighforward. Designed for functionality. No distractions.
Every transaction is transparant. Even the picture on the left side is transparent and you must hover to see it clearly. You'll know every in and out on your account. No silent charges. No admin fees. Everything is notified through MiniBank mobile apps and your email. You have full control of your account. We guarantee that all of your money will not get reduced if you didn't use it.
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